Alumni Weekend Countdown

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Visit the Museum of Carlisle History

Your Museum of Carlisle, Arkansas History is ready for visitors! The Museum Committee has been working overtime to present incredible history and memorabilia displays. In addition to the 50-year display from the Class of 1974, you will find memorabilia from other classes celebrating special reunions, exhibits featuring WWI and WWII, Fred C. Hardke Memorial Field, 100 Years of Bison Football, a Homecoming Queen Gown Gallery, and much, much more. 

Don’t miss out on enjoying our prized museum. This truly is a treasure for all Carlisle alums. The Museum will be open on Friday, September 27 from noon until 7 PM and from 9 AM – 12 PM on Saturday, September 28.  

Friday, September 27 Lineup 

Visit the Museum

The museum opens at noon. Come by to see the displays.  

Queen’s Luncheon

The royalty luncheon is at 11:00 a.m. at First Baptist Church. Contact Jeanne Perceful for details, or 501- 580-8060. Cost is $15 per person.  Cash, checks and cards accepted. 

Homecoming Parade

The homecoming parade will immediately follow the afternoon coronation ceremony. The parade will line up in the same location in front of the elementary school. Many alumni are planning to participate in the parade. To register your entry in the parade, contact Kari Jo Sayger via email at Carlisle High School or call 870-552-3931 or click here.

Bison Football!!

The football game will start at 7:00 p.m. We’ll expect to see you at Fred C. Hardke Field for another exciting Bison victory. Show up early!! Seats will go fast. 


Saturday, September 28 Lineup

Set-Up at the Park

Vendor and class tent set up will begin at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday morning. All tents and booths should be set up no later than 10:30 a.m. Please contact Melissa Martin or Mike Calvert at the park on Saturday morning if you have questions. 


Bring your lawn chair and spend the day in the park with your alumni friends! Starting at 10:30 a.m., our wonderful vendors will return this year with something for everyone! Bring your lawn chair and enjoy browsing all of the vendors and then grab lunch to enjoy with your friends and classmates Did we say bring your lawn chair?? 

Program & Entertainment

The Saturday afternoon program will kick off at 1:15 p.m.  Bring your lawn chair and enjoy a great afternoon as we celebrate another year, recognize some special people, and enjoy great Carlisle talent. Let’s have an overflowing crowd to help us make this a great afternoon for everyone!

Nametags & Gear Booth

Nametags are great!    Help everyone out by wearing one. Pick up your nametag at the alumni tent. Don’t forget to check out our gear booth! Your purchases help fund the activities of the alumni association and give us an opportunity to continue to sponsor Alumni Homecoming Weekend.  Cash, checks and cards accepted. 

All Class Dance

Saturday Night
8:00 p.m. – Midnight
Caviness Barn (Home of Big K’S Catfish)
Donations at the door. BYOB.
DJ Kevin Kegley
Stanley Young Band